Sunday, June 27, 2010


Overcome by an intense need to organize and purge documents this last week. I have, for as long as I can remember, been consumed by a need to collect and accumulate pictures-magazine pages mostly. (I have other collections, but that seems to be the most cumbersome and becomes quite overwhelming ). I had been in the habit of absorbing glossy pages for what could perhaps be best described as a sort of lifestyle osmosis. Like I didn't trust my own mind to independently develop a sense of style. Seeing random images brought a sense of inspiration that for some reason I didn’t feel strong enough to remember without saving the pages. It was interesting to see what I was drawn to in the past-which images, ideas, fashions, etc that I wanted to incorporate at the time. Like an historical timeline of inspiration. What inspires someone really does say a lot . Finally in I found myself surging through pages of random mags rejecting pretty much everything inside. Suddenly the images don't live up to the ideas in my own mind-I want to create a real life and experiences instead of looking at some projected image. I know what I want my life (and my own personal style) to be and its not a flimsy editorial.

So from now on no more wasteful magazine consumption, I'm only reading things with legitimate cultural value, high fashion coverage/point of view, or valuable information. Goes to my current focus on the importance of editing.

Cleaner mind, cleaner home…and less of a fire hazard.

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